Website Makeovers
A new look and feel to your website is a fantastic opportunity to get back in-touch with visitors and customers, showing them you are still excited about your online presence.
"Content is king!" is what has been preached for years in the website community, this is still true today, but... the world of the web for your visitors also means it is expected to be unique and visually appealing as well. The user interface (UI) in many cases is what makes you memorable and noteworthy when it comes to referrals or social exposure.
Re-branding & modernising
Even the best website design can become a little tired or outdated over time as the styles and views of society change. Maybe it's just time to refresh your look and feel to suit a new branding or product direction. A website makeover is an ideal time to strengthen your brand and enhance your sites capbilities.
Introduce yourself to a whole new demographic of users! With the surge in web browsing from mobile devices, are you taking advantage of mobile-friendly and responsive web design techniques that ensure your site is useable on these platforms?
New features & functionality
Website design and internet technologies have come along way since the early days, never more so than over the last few years. The addition of eCommerce and interactive capabilities have never been so accessible to everybody, not just the big boys, as they are today.
Take advantage of a website makeover to incorporate new features or functionality that may not have been avaiable at the time your site was built. A new website strategy and design can improve your reach to new prospects and existing customers or allow entry in to new markets of the growing online economy.
Refresh and re-invent yourself...
Looking to breath new life in to your current website or improve your return on your investment? We can offer new functionaility, a new look and feel and modernisation to enable new mobile device compatbility. Contact hotmango today to discuss what opportunities exist to improve or ehance your current website!